What is a Sand Point Well?
Sandpoint wells are a popular do-it-yourself well project. A sandpoint is purchased from another company and driven into the soil via a post pounder, sledge or jack hammer and the addition of 1-1/4 or 2 inch steel pipe, typically in 5 ft sections until water is encountered. Additional depth is encouraged for positive free flowing water into the well. Googling and YouTubing “sand point wells” is encouraged for more information. The sandpoint has a hardened point and holes drilled in the body to allow water to enter. An internal screen keeps grit out of the water supply. If you are going to drive one we highly recommend driving a 2 inch version since they hold more water and drive straighter than the 1-1/4 variety.
A sandpoint well is often a suggested option for people who have a well that is not compatible with our current installation procedure. Please be advised that sandpoint wells only work in areas that have shallow water tables and do not have rocky soil. Driving a second well can often be the solution for people seeking water security.
Sand Point Pumps
Our Sand Point (SP) pumps are a smaller diameter version of our shallow AK pump and offered in 1 ft increments from a total length of 8-38ft. They have been improved after the videos below were made and now use our standard pumphead and blue PVC tee handle.
The total length is achieved by various combinations of interchangeable parts. Both the 3ft and 5ft extensions are 1/2 inch PVC pipe with male and female pipe threads and include either a 3ft or 5ft stainless steel pump rod. All the SP pumps are 3ft long, so combining various quantities of 3ft, 5ft and the pump, produces the various length combinations shown in the chart to the right.
Example; a 14ft pump has two 3ft extenstions, one 5ft extenstion and a 3ft pump (2x3ft) + 5ft +3ft =14ft
All measurements of your well should be taken from the top of the casing to the bottom of the well. The length of the pump should be about 2ft shorter than the total depth of the well so grit from the bottom is not sucked up into the pump. The top of the casing casing should be about 20-24 inches above grade. Casings can often be extended by adding pipe or driven deeper into the ground. 2 inch wells need to be reduced to 1-1/4 inch for installation (bell adapter plus 1-1/4" pipe nipple). Call or email if you need help.

Here is a customer supplied video on the installation of our Sand Point Pump. Note he is replacing a pitcher pump that froze in the winter. Video says "coming soon" but it is available right now

Customer was happy with his maintenance free, freeze proof SP pump and made this video for us. He just installed it so the water is a bit cloudy. The pump is in Wisconsin.
Static water was 32 ft in this well and the intake screen was used so flow is about 85% of what we would expect from a shallow well without the intake screen